Chilled English Pea Soup with Dungeness Crab

Serves: 4-6 (small portions)
Time: 30 minutes
1 onion- diced
2 T butter
pinch salt
2 pounds English Peas (fresh in shell)- 2 C shelled
2 bunch Watercress
1 C whole milk
1 C chicken stock
1/2 lemon 🍋 - juiced
In skillet over medium low heat add butter to melt, add onion and pinch of salt and slowly caramelize stirring every so often for about 10-15 minutes. Add the caramelized onions to a blender
Meanwhile, prepare and ice bath by putting ice in a bowl and adding cold water. Blanche shelled peas by bringing water to a boil, salt the water well then add the peas to cook for 1 minute. Add the watercress to the peas and cook for 20 more seconds. Strain out the cooked peas and watercress and quickly add to prepared ice bath.
Add blanched peas and watercress to blender. Add remaining ingredients and blend to a puree. Add pure to metal bowl, cover and chill in fridge for at least 2-3 hours.
Chive Vin
1 bunch chives
1/4 C olive oil
2 T champagne vinegar
pinch salt
Blanche chives in salted boiling water for 20 seconds then place in water bath. Add chives to blender and blend with olive oil and the vinegar. The mixture should be well blended and green. Add more olive oil if it needs more liquid. Use a mesh strainer to pass the mixture and get any chive bits that didn’t blend.
1/4 lbs shelled Dungeness crab meat
1 T Ellenos yogurt - natural (alternative full fat plain yogurts work)
1 T tarragon- minced
salt & pepper
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and chill until needed for garnish.
Carefully pour soup into serving bowl. Quenelle the crab with two clean spoons and delicately place on top. Dot the chive oil around. Finish with sea salt and a sprig of tarragon.